A Clickbank University Review

A Clickbank University  Review

Name: Clickbank University

Website URL : https://clickbankuniversity.com/

Price: $47.0 Per Month

Owners: Justin Atlan And Adam Horwitz

Overall Rank: 90 out of 100


A Clickbank University Review Introduction


A Clickbank University Review Introduction


Are you currently contemplating on whether to purchase the ClickBank University 2.0 or not?

Is the ClickBank University 2.0 course worth your time and money?

Well, whether you are just skimming around the internet looking for a worthy digital marketing course to sign up for or have been contemplating to purchase this course then you found the right article for it.

In this article, we will be taking a very detailed look at what the course has to offer and you can decide whether it is worth your money. So, basically I will be sharing with you what I know from purchasing the course and you will be able to learn about it risk-free without putting out a penny.

In this article, I will be talking about the 2 main training’s that you get from joining the course:

  1. Vendors Section
  2. Affiliate Section

Then, some useful section found in the course

  1. Traffic Section
  2. Interviews Section
  3. Toolkit Section


  1. Pros and Cons
  2. Who is ClickBank University 2.0 for?

Without any further delay, let’s get to it.

1. The Creators of ClickBank University 2.0

The Creators Of Clickbank University

Before we move on to my review on ClickBank University 2.0 let’s take a look at the people behind the course. Clickbank University is an Online Course put together by Justin Atlan and Adam Horwitz.


Justin Atlan is an entrepreneur, marketing consultant, and an adventurer. He is currently the head of ClickBank University faculty and has graduated from the University of California in San Diego.


The Creators Of Clickbank University

He used to have a partnership for a business called SJA Media Partners where he provides consulting services to 6 figure businesses ranging from optimising performances, managing creative, overseeing execution, and developing marketing and monetization strategy.


Adam Horwitz, on the other hand, started his success in the digital marketing world with a website called Urban Stomp where he provides music and lists the location of parties in the country and made money through selling clothes.


He then, started releasing his own course called Mobile Monopoly and Cell Phone treasure which have earned him more than $100,000 each.


Both Adam and Justin are some of the first people who made it really big on ClickBank generating millions of dollars from both their own product and affiliate commissions. So, now that we have seen their credibility lets take a better look into ClickBank University 2.o.


2. Overview of ClickBank University 2.0

ClickBank University 2.0 is a digital marketing course made by ClickBank to help ClickBank users generate wealth just like both Justin Atlan and Adam Horwitz did.


And what better way to do so, then to learn from them who actually generated millions from ClickBank themselves.


So, upon joining into ClickBank University 2.0 there are 2 training’s you can choose from which are either:

  1. Becoming a ClickBank Vendor – Creating your own digital product
  2. Becoming an Affiliate in ClickBank – Promoting other vendors digital product


It is very important to decide which training you want to pick because each training is very time consuming especially if you have a day job and you don’t want to be halfway through the vendor’s training and decide that you want to be an affiliate marketer.


To sum everything up ClickBank University 2.0 will teach you the key things that you need to create a successful digital product and market it yourself as well as getting other digital marketers to market your product and how to successfully market other people’s products and earn a commission from it.



3. Vendors Section


The vendor’s section of the training will be broken down into 12 weeks worth of content and the length for each week’s content will be ranging from 25 minutes-45 minutes and this section will be thought by Justin Atlan.


Week 1 – How Everything Works

In week 1 of the vendor’s training section of the course, you will basically explain to what a digital product is and the reason why you want to create your own digital product in terms of how profitable it can be for the long run.


Vendors Section

Aside from that, you will also learn the type of mindset you should have when creating a product as well as what it takes to create a product especially when you’re juggling through the different responsibilities that you have in your life right now.


Lastly, just as the title of the section suggests Justin Atlan would basically explain to you what to expect from the course in the next coming weeks so that you don’t get too overwhelmed.


Week 2 – Find your Perfect Product

In week 2, you basically learn about important things you need to look at when creating your own digital product.

Things that are covered here are:

  1. How to choose which niche you want to get into
  2. How to analyse the market niche of your choice
  3. How to reduce the errors when creating your digital products

Week 3 – Creating your Avatar

This week you will learn how to look for your perfect customer that is likely to buy your digital product. After that, you will also learn how you can create a selling proposition that is likely to convert.


Creating An Avatar

So, you will be provided with a formula in creating a selling proposition it is, a Copy write formula which I cannot remember who came up with the formula but I remember coming across the same formula before.


The last thing you will learn in week 3 is how to choose a domain name that will help with your branding and product conversion but at the same time get it done quickly and how to create a domain name.


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Week 4 – Creating your Product


Week 4 provides you with how to structure your digital product so that your customer is able to have the best possible experience and get as much value for what they have paid for.


Week 4 also teaches, you how to cater to different types of customers and also provides you with a content structure blueprint to capture the customer’s attention and create lifetime value with them.


Week 5 – Creating your Perfect Up sell


Creating your Product

Week 5 is a continuation of the previous week which is where you learn to create lifetime value with your customer and by creating a lifetime value you are able to generate more sales with up-sells.


Here you will learn the importance of ”Why?” you want to have an up-sell and the different types of up-selling examples and how to come up with up-sells that sell and how you can price your up-sell product to maximise profitability.


Week 6 – Sales Copy and Conversion Maximising

This module of the vendor’s section is basically all about copy-writing, copy-writing is basically sales on paper or in this case sales on a digital platform.


It might sound overwhelming as you may be thinking right now that you are not a writer but specifically for this section they actually outsourced a professional copywriter who actually does copy-writing  for a living and he helps simplifies everything so that you are able to come up with an idea to write a copy for your digital product that will help increase the conversion.


He also helps you breakdown the different important sales video components to maximise conversion.


Week 7 – The Easy Video Sales Letter


The Easy Video Sales Letter

So here you learn an easy way to record a video, it is also a method that is FREE and most importantly a method that converts potential customers.


So in the previous module in week 6 you basically, should already have your copy ready and at this part of the module you just turn it into a video and they teach you the easiest way to do it.

Week 8 – Finalising your Product

This module you will learn how to put your complete product into a product funnel specifically the ClickBank Builder and an explanation of the different pages that comes into the product funnel (i.e sales page, up-sell page)


You will also learn step by step on how to set up those pages using the ClickBank builder and the content that goes to the page should already be ready after going through the module at week 7.



Week 9 – Getting onto ClickBank


Getting onto ClickBank


This part is more on the technical part but not too technical like coding or anything like that. It’s more about learning how to set up a ClickBank account and connecting your ClickBank account to your ClickBank builder so that you can set your product price and get paid.


Then, after that, you will learn how to request approval for your digital product from ClickBank and how to do a test sale so that you know that the payment link, your digital product, and your product funnel are working.


Lastly, you will learn how to list your digital product on ClickBank.


So, everything that is mentioned in this module is done easily through ClickBank and you are basically clicking a bunch of buttons and filling up some forms to get your digital product approved and get listed on the ClickBank marketplace.


Week 10 – Attracting and Managing JV Relationship

After your digital product is ready and is in the marketplace, you now want people to promote your product for you and you can also promote your product yourself.


But, in this module, you will learn the strategies on how to get your digital product to rank up high in the marketplace as well as get affiliates to promote your product.


Week 11 – Split Testing

Split Testing basically, involves testing 2 different Sale page that is selling the same product but with some different variation to see which page converts better, that way you will be able to optimise your conversion per click.


This module is very important because, when your conversion rate is high all the affiliate marketers will jump on it and it will snowball and you will gain a lot of revenue.


The best part is, you will learn how to do split testing the right way and you will also be recommended tools that can help you with your split testing.


Week 12 – Scaling your Success

Scaling your Success On Clickbank

After, having a product up and running and let’s assume everything is going well and the product is selling in the marketplace. Now in this module, you will learn how to scale your business to create more revenue.


Bonus – Selling High Ticket Product on Webinars

High ticket product here refers to product that cost $1k+ so as a bonus you will also learn how to sell expensive products with the use of a webinar funnel.


4. Affiliate Section


If you decided that being a vendor is not for you as you do not know what type of digital product you want to create yet, then you still have the choice of promoting other vendor’s digital product and get paid a commission for it.


This section will be thought by, Adam Horwitz and the contents will be divided into 8 weeks.


Week 1 – Affiliate Marketing on ClickBank


Similar to the vendor’s section. of the course the week 1 module of the affiliate section also involves getting into the right mindset to be an affiliate marketer in ClickBank.

As well as, preparing you for what’s coming in the next coming weeks throughout the affiliate marketing training.


Week 2 – Understanding Affiliate Marketing


Understanding Affiliate Marketing

The week 2 module of the affiliate section involves having a brief understanding of what affiliate marketing is about and how it works.


Then, you will also be thought, how to navigate through the ClickBank marketplace to search for products that fit your niche and the best part of this module is that you will be thought which niche is the best to market.


Week 3 – Finding your Passion


Week 3 of the affiliate section, teaches you about how you can use your passion as an advantage when picking a niche and will also learn how to do research on the digital products that you like and pick the best one.


Week 4 – The Ultimate Affiliate Funnel


Week 4 will be about the best type of affiliate funnel you can use to promote the affiliate product of your choice.


The Ultimate Affiliate Funnel

The module will also be touching on where to get traffic, how to send traffic to your affiliate funnel the right way and turn affiliate marketing into a long term business.


So, you will learn the right techniques to send your traffic to the affiliate product of your choice to get high conversion and how to create the best type of squeeze page.


Week 5 – Free, Free, Free Always Over Deliver


After doing the previous module, in this module, you will learn how to build a relationship with your potential customers by providing value to them which will lead to an increase in conversion as well.


You will also learn the different types of ways to provide value to these potential customers and also how to outsource them.


Week 6 – Writing the Perfect Swipe


A swipe is essential, the copy write that you write in the email to be sent out to your potential customers.


It is one thing to know how to write a good copy but it doesn’t mean much if the email is not opened, so you will learn this essential skill from this module and also learn how to get them to click your affiliate link.


Week 7 – The Email Blueprint


The Email Blueprint

This module is where the magic begins, so after finishing all the previous modules and you got everything in place from picking your digital product, building a list, the values that you are going to giveaway and your email copy is ready in this module you learn how to put it all together.


But, instead of just putting it all together you actually learn to automate everything all together. This means that you only need to set things up once and everything will be automated.



Week 8 – Scaling and Expanding

At week 8 your affiliate funnel should be done, and since everything is automated you just need to focus on advertising which will be explained in more detailed in the traffic section of the course.


Bonus – Running Affiliate Promotions

This module doesn’t really cover anything much, just some brief explanation on soft selling and hard selling.

5. Traffic Section


Traffic Section

In the traffic section, you will get to learn how to get traffic to your sales page for vendors or squeeze pages for affiliate marketers. The two platforms that will be used to get that traffic are:

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram

Essentially, you can just call it social media marketing. So, based on the 2 platform choices of advertising that are given to you it is basically a paid traffic method.


However, you do learn how to optimise them so that you are able to get more people to click on them, go to the page that you want them to go and potentially make a purchase.


Plus, when you first start digital marketing and have not built a list of potential customers paid traffic is the best way to gain traffic.


6. Interviews Section


The interview section of the ClickBank University 2,0 course is a section where you can expand your knowledge on different topics about digital marketing on top of what you already learn.


So, after you’ve mastered whatever that is thought from the vendors and affiliate section and want to gain more knowledge to build upon what you already know you can go into this section to learn more.


Big names like Gary Vaynerchuk, Mike Whitfield, and Tony Almeida are being interviewed on topics like branding, understanding your audience, pre-selling and more.


In my personal opinion, this section of the course provides a lot of value to digital marketers.

7. Toolkit Section


Toolkit Section

The toolkit section is just the different recommended tools that you can use to help you build your vendor’s funnel and affiliate funnel, most of them are mentioned in the training.


It is just a section for you to easily navigate and find the tools that you need to use depending on what you are currently trying to accomplish for example making a sales video.


8. What I Like and Don’t Like About the Course




1. A lot of value

The ClickBank University 2.0 course provides a lot of value to its customers, everything is detailed and not confusing at all and it is definitely best for people who are new in the digital marketing space.


2. Support

There is a weekly live Q&A with Adam and Justin, where you can get feedback on your pages and learn more tips and tricks


3. Private Community Forum

There is a private community forum where you can ask for advice or bounce off ideas with other students, as you may not be able to wait for the next Q&A so you are able to ask other more experienced members for advice.


4. One-month Money Back Guarantee

So, if you don’t like what you learn within one month you can just refund your money back.




1. Only 2 Traffic Generating Methods

Personally, when you first start I think it is best to use paid traffic but I would also like to learn about some other free traffic methods if I was a newbie.


2. Need to wait for lessons to be unlock


Personally, I can go through all the lessons in a week minimum which makes it so troublesome to wait for the lessons to be unlocked weekly but you can submit a ticket to unlock further lessons.


Who is ClickBank University 2.0 for?


First, it is for people who are new in the digital marketing world. The reason I say that is because the concept that are thought is basically the current digital marketing framework that most digital marketers are using right now.


Who is ClickBank University 2.0 for?

So, even if you decided to try out different platforms to do your digital marketing on aside from ClickBank you will already have the basic concept of how things work and just make a few tweaks here and there.


If you are an intermediate digital marketer who is still not so clear about digital marketing you might be able to get some value from this course but I don’t think you will get much value.


If you are an experienced digital marketer then the course is definitely not for you as at least for me I don’t see anything new or different that is being thought in this course.


My Final Opinion on ClickBank University 2.0


I think that the course is definitely worth buying if you are a beginner in digital marketing as in my opinion as a beginner after going through the course you will be able to understand how digital marketing works.


Plus, the course provides a lot of value so it is worth every penny.


If you have the desire to create an online business, there is nothing worse that going it alone, the most successful people in the world always have guidance and coaching from experts and motivators. This course is not just about gaining knowledge its also going to give you the motivation to succeed


You will not only be trained as a clickbank affiliate you will be hearing interviews from real successful affiliates who have already walked the path before you, paving the way for you to succeed.


I would recommend taking the crash course if your not sure about Clickbank University, this course comes with a 30 day money back grantee and it will give a really good insight into Clickbank University as well as teaching you the most important skills in marketing. You will discover how to research your audience which will make the difference between successes and failure when marketing online or any where else




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